Common Questions - Kid Starting Band

In the Wichita area when a kid turns 10 or 11 they will be given the choice to start on a band instrument and participate in their school band with their peers. This is a fun and exciting process for the kids, because they get to try something completely new. For most of them they will have little to no experience with playing music. Many parents have many questions when their kid starts band about how to get their instrument, and many more questions associated with the topic. Below I will try and answer some of the most common questions we have.
Question 1 - How Much Will It Cost?
Of course this is the most common question that is asked, because financially the family must be able to afford an instrument for their kid to participate. To purchase an instrument you may spend more up front, but save in the long run. The other option is to rent to own an instrument, which will cost much less out of pocket. Below I have our store's price range on every instrument so this question can be quickly solved.
Flute to purchase - Starting at $400 and this can go up a a hundred dollars or so if you want a brand new name brand instrument.
To rent - starting at $19.99 a month
Clarinet to purchase - Starting at $400 and this can go up a a hundred dollars or so if you want a brand new name brand instrument.
To rent - starting at $19.99 a month
Trumpet to purchase - Starting at $400 and this can go up a a hundred dollars or so if you want a brand new name brand instrument.
To rent - starting at $19.99 a month
Trombone to purchase - Starting at $400 and this can go up a a hundred dollars or so if you want a brand new name brand instrument.
To rent - starting at $19.99 a month
Drum & Bell Kit - Starting at $400 and this can go up a a hundred dollars or so if you want a brand new name brand instrument.
To rent - starting at $19.99 a month
Saxophone to purchase - Starting at $800 and this can go up a a hundred dollars or so if you want a brand new name brand instrument.
To rent - starting at $37.01 a month
Question 2 - What if my kid quits?
If you're worried your kid may quit you should definitely consider the rent to own option. This way if your kid quits after the first year, then you may just return the instrument, and you will be done with it. If you chose to purchase an instrument, and your kid quits, then you may sell it back to our store.
Question 3 - What if my kid switches to a different instrument?
If your kid switches to a different instrument if you are renting the instrument you may return it, and get a different instrument, and half of the money your spent towards the first instrument will apply to the new instrument your kid has chosen. If you purchased the first instrument, then you should sell it back to our store, and get your new instrument.
Question 4 - How long until we own the instrument if we chose to rent?
At our store we do a 30 month plan, so after 30 months you will own the instrument if you rent the entire term. If your kid is definitely going to stick with the instrument you can do early pay off, and call our store and pay off the remaining (Discounted) balance, so you will no longer be charged month by month.
Question 5 - What if my kid breaks or damages the instrument?
Luckily at Music Scene if you choose to rent your instrument you will be offered a maintenance plan, which would cover any damages to the instrument free of cost. The maintenance plan is an additional 5$ a month.
Closing Statement
No matter what instrument your kid chooses (whether it be trombone, saxophone, trumpet, clarinet, flute, drums) we hope at Music Scene you find the process to be easy and affordable. I hope this article helps with many of the questions you may have if your kid is going to start an instrument soon.
Saxophone, trombone, clarinet, flute, trumpet, drums
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